Symptoms of parasites in the human body

Parasites in the human body

How often do people consider the pictures of parasites, tell yourself that you will never. Finally, you have wash the hands, do not give birth Pets, do not eat in restaurants and prepare at home, with all the strict observance of technology of cooking, drinking of water from open questionable sources. But the answer to all of this authorisation may the most that neither is a not cheerful. The world health organization has the facts, in which it is said that in the world die each year about 50 million people, 16 million of them die of parasitic and infectious diseases. Patients with intestinal worms, on the third place.

How can you have the availability of non-application reviews in the body? This is the question Dr. Thomas Joule answered in simple and understandable language. Brooke in the "principles of medical Parasitology". He says that worms – it is one of the oldest human parasites that have settled so closely in the human body, in his guts, bodies, fitted so, that sometimes their presence a long time for a man is absolutely not noticeable.

The goal of each parasite to the masking. It is important for you to stay a long time undetected, to live longer. And those people who think that the parasites are very stupid is fundamentally wrong. There are very intelligent beings. Of course you don't mind, developed to the extent that, as in humans, but they are able to survive and reproduce, thereby remain undetected. Most of the people in the Norm also in the case of pain, skin problems, constipation, syndrome of chronic fatigue for no apparent reason, frequent colds and pain in the joints. But all of these factors need to warn the people, to force a rigid and treat caring of his Person.

Parasites in the human body, the symptoms

The world of parasitic beings that live on the organisms of the people huge. They are large lengths of several metres, reaching, and quite invisible to the eyes of the creatures. Undetected for people, you are fully occupying your body and make your apartment. There they live to breed and only some of the signs of parasites in the human body cause can, on their availability.

Each pest has its localization to a particular location in a living body. For this reason, the clinic of the lesions changes. But there are some common symptoms that say with an accuracy of up to 75% that the Person is infected.

Symptoms of parasites in the body

Symptoms of parasites in the body:

  • Poisoning, the cause of the parasites in the body of the creature. Especially in such cases, headache, loss of appetite, nausea, and irritability often begins.
  • Allergies, which appears as suddenly as he disappears. Of her it is almost impossible with the help of dermatological products. If a Person is infected prone to allergies, parasites, it is manifested stronger. It may be fraught with spasms in the bronchi or oedema of the mucous membrane.
  • Anemia is a consequence of the parasitism of the worms by the people. Most often, those nutrients that he got earlier was enough for his good health, but with the advent of worms, the picture changes somewhat. In particular, the body is not iron enough, the externally manifested skin pale veil, and frequent dizziness.
  • Losing weight appears to be on the floor of the explicit struggle of the people with the parasite for useful microorganisms. In children, only more pronounced. If in a normal diet person looks emaciated and, in addition, not gaining weight, there is every reason to suspect that parasites are to blame.
  • Inconstant hyperthermia, in which the temperature rises to smaller labels, usually not more than 37.5 degrees. At this temperature, absolutely no signs of a possible disease.
  • Disorders of the intestine are the most important Symptom of parasites in humans. Symptoms of this disease can be very diverse. It can be a pain in the abdomen, accompanied by bloating, diarrhea, constipation, rumbling. Often, these characters are not bind with dysbiosis, which disappears after the medical and anti-bacterial treatment.
  • A preferred treatment for sweets. The taste preferences of the people change frequently. This is nutrients due to the insufficient amount in his body.

If it is not at least one of these signs should this warning sign for a Person, and when this Symptom is not one, but several, it to chat immediately with a specialist.

There are some specific symptoms of the presence of the parasite in the human body:

specific symptoms of parasites
  1. Fatigue, accompanied by nightmarish sleep. This phenomenon is particularly observed when the Central nervous system of the people irritable endless screws, and a deficit of nutrients due to poor absorption of necessary trace elements.
  2. Problems with the appetite. He or even non-existent, or, on the contrary, greatly increased. The taste in the mouth of the people is the result of a poisoning of the organism.
  3. Grinding of the teeth with a strong Department of saliva appears with the defeat of the attack on the nervous system and the liver of the people.
  4. Pain in muscles and joints. This happens when you are damaged and inflamed muscle tissue in the presence of worms in the fluid of the joints and muscles.
  5. Discomfort in the genital area. Such symptoms are in people, the Trichomonas infected.
  6. Disorders in the immune system, it threatens the frequent colds and causing goiter.
  7. Oncological diseases, which happen due to the chronic poisoning of the organism by parasites, malfunction of the immune system, protracted inflammatory processes in the body and lack of nutrients.
  8. Inflammation of the respiratory organs. Sometimes habitual for us a seemingly ordinary cough, with fever, secretions, Sputum and runny nose is nothing more than a sign of Migration of the parasites. Often Ascariasis and other diseases accompanied by an inflammation of the lungs.

There are cases when people, infected with parasites, often sick, bacterial and viral diseases, waking in the night, have serious problems in weight, puffy eyelids, Dermatitis, and papillomas, and do not pay attention to all of these symptoms.

Experts recommend to find out the cause for some diseases and not necessarily eliminate the presence of worms in the human body. Women who have been attacked by worms, suffering from painful and irregular menstrual cycles, fibroids, fibromas, FIBRO-cystic mastopathy. Men, in which it was discovered, cystitis, Prostatitis, Sand, or stones in the kidneys and in the urinary bladder or adenoma is also desirable to have the potential to exclude the presence of worms.

In some cases, the presence of parasites identified and the visual inspection of the potentially victim of tapeworms of the people. What are the symptoms must first be noticed?

Infestation is deworm defined as follows:

how to determine the infection
  • In humans, many pimples can sprout, summer, his cover skin lumpy and pale, with the previous, the visible wrinkles on the face, pigment spots, papillomami. His finger nails for no apparent reason, are layered in a very bad state and broken, cracked heels. Such external signs, to speak of the entire gastro-intestinal tract potentially exposed trichomonads, Giardia, or other protozoa.
  • In the case of children who are infected with parasites, inadequate, not the age increase, under-developed ear, roasting, Finger short palms, short, Drop-down hair.
  • Discovered on the language of the people a visible white coating suggests that these fungi Candida have not only the language, but also the entire intestine, the esophagus and the mucous membranes of the gastro-intestinal tract. Attempts that do not result in this plaque with the language of positive results, a therapy with medication is required.
  • You can identify pathogenic factors in the body, the analysis of his whole work.

At the slightest suspicion of the presence in the organism "unexpected guests" and the coincidence is at least a couple of symptoms, it is better not to hesitate and consult a specialist. Because the parasites – these merciless creatures, of which it is better to get rid once and for all.